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Spirit Skit ~ The Clearing Powers of Sage

When it doubt, use sage!

If sage doesn't work, discover the 7-Day Transformation and change your life in just one week!

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The Hidden Spirituality of Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas tells the story of the soul. It is a story rich in symbolism and wisdom teachings, which spans across lifetimes of human experience. It was initially written by David Mitchell and adapted for the screen by the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer. While this video will be exploring the film, we extend gratitude to the author for the original and complete telling in its written form. 

It is a narrative on how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present, and future. We see souls shaped through time, in one lifetime a killer, and later, a hero, and how both the virtues and ignorance within the collective consciousness can ripple across centuries to inspire social systems and collective transformation.

The entire movie seems to bear a profound spiritual truth that we find in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. He writes, “ You have risen from a state that was little above the beast, until now of all humankind, you are the greatest. Yet before you were...

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Spirit Skit ~ How It Feels When You Don’t Know Astrology...

spirit skits video Apr 15, 2020

Has this ever happened to you?


Do you want to dive a bit deeper into Spirit Science? Check out the FREE Spirit Science Starter Kit! ~

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Healing Your Body With Food ~ The Complete Movie

spirit science video Mar 23, 2020

We are living in critical times - with the rapid spread of Covid-19 we are seeing the spread of fear as if it was the virus itself... Scientists will tell us to wash our hands and practice social distancing, and yes... Absolutely we should do that!

But... why is nobody talking about how to strengthen your immune system? In this special documentary, we explore all of the ways that we can heal our bodies with nothing but what we put into it.

This film is not intended to replace medical advice.

~ ~ 



Woodvine, Amanda


Dr. Neal Barnard, 2016 

Eggs are bad too 

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Michael Gregor M.D.


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Spirit Science 37_1 ~ Spiritual Money


“Money is a needful and precious thing, and when well used, a noble idea, but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. - Louisa May Alcott


What’s the first thing you think of or feel when you hear that word? Is it Grief? Joy? Anger? Think about it. Does the phrase money inspire positive or negative feelings? Or, maybe you’re that one person in the bunch who's like “

I recently surveyed people who subscribed to the Spirit Science email list and asked a full number of questions, one of which was “what do you struggle most with in life?”. The number one highest response was you guessed it - Finances. This told me it was time, at long last, that we have a candid spiritual discussion about money. See if we can’t change our relationship with money. I mean, what would happen if there were like, a hundred thousand benevolent spiritual millionaires using their resources to make a massive and...

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Minute Faith ~ Eastern Orthodoxy

The existence of Eastern Orthodoxy and the Roman Catholic Church are a result of what is known as the Great Schism of 1054 when medieval Christianity split into 2 branches. In the events leading up to the Schism, the relations between the east and western European churches were becoming more distant. The West, in this case, encompassed Western Europe and the northern and western areas of the Mediterranean, led by Rome. The East took up Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Northern Africa, lead by Constantinople.

The language was a huge part of it, over time and as civilizations advanced, most Patriarchs in Constantinople couldn’t read any Latin, and most Popes in Rome couldn’t read any greek. There was also that Michael Cerularius, the Patriarch of Constantinople and Pope St. Leo the 9th of Rome, were not friends, and both shared in writing many mean letters to each other.

On top of this, there was the Filioque debate. The Western Church believed that the Holy Spirit of the...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Ginseng

The word Ginseng comes from the Chinese name “renshen” which literally translates to ‘man root.” It is thought to have been given this name because the root of the plant looks like the legs of a human. Ginseng is any of 11 different varieties of short, slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots. It is believed to restore and enhance normal well-being and has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world today.

It has some absolutely incredible uses! It is a powerful energy provider, stimulating physical and mental activity among those who are weak and tired. A Mayo Clinic study revealed ginseng showed good results in helping cancer patients with fatigue. It also is said to improve thinking ability and mental cognition. While this has been an ancient claim, it has yet to have any substantial support from rigorous studies today.

This plant has seven constituents, ginsenosides, which have immunosuppressive effects, according to an experiment...

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Spirit Science 2 ~ Chakras

This episode is all about Chakras! This is a perfect second step for those starting to delve into the spiritual realm because the chakra system is a fundamental diagram of not only our own consciousness but everything in the universe. Consider the notes of a musical octave, or the colors of the rainbow, which mirror the chakras identically.

This system originally stemmed from multiple ancient Indian religions, potentially even earlier. They are specific points, often described as vortexes or wheels of energy that run all along our bodies. There are typically seven main points, but there are many systems that use 8, 9, 13, and others that use hundreds of smaller chakra points all over our body.

The most common Chakra system is the basic seven, known as Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. These seven are also referred to by their Sanskrit names: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vissudha, Ajna and Sahasrara. Though the addition of the Hara, which...

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Spirit Science 0 ~ A Vision of the Future

This special episode of Spirit Science takes a step back to look at the series as a whole and describes a new vision moving forward for all of us as a global family.

We believe it is very much possible to create heaven on Earth, where everyone can live in harmony with one another, despite our different views and ways of life. This video describes what this future could look like, and how we can start to create it, both collectively and individually tangibly.

We have created a road map to this future, using sacred geometry, which we applied to the light spectrum and compared it to different spiritual systems and esoteric practices. Each level builds off the one before it, so as we move up the levels, we continuously create a more solid foundation as we go.

The first layer is the root – it embodies all of our physical health and how to get grounded in the world around us. This allows us to shift from surviving to thriving as we address the root issues of fear and turn it into...

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Spirit Science 4 ~ Male and Female Energy

This episode covers the incredible topic of male and female energy. This can be understood through so many different modalities and representations, and they are all equally vital!

Male and female energy can manifest in an infinite amount of ways, both physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

One of the most ancient ways to understand this duality is through Yin and Yang. They are the two dualities of this reality – light and dark, giving and receiving, movement and stagnation, straightforward and sporadic.

Both sides of the coin are vital to understanding the other, for we need darkness even to have the opposing concept of light. Every light casts a shadow! Even the great Lotus Flower must push through the thick heavy mud to emerge at the top of the pond and sprout its most beautiful flower.

Male and female energy is present in everyone; we must practice observing this as a concept beyond gender or person. Male energy is like a forward-pointing laser; it is quick,...

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